Time for a New Phone

Ya know, I've been thinking about getting a new phone for a while. I love the size of the Razr as it fits quite well in my pocket. And, mine is metallic pink so it's cute. But, I'm doing more and more texting these days and I really want a full keyboard.

The problem was finding a full keyboard that wasn't on a huge (to me) phone. Blackberrys, Treos and iPhones (not that I want to jump on that bandwagon) are all too big. I kept hoping that someone would eventually come out with a small, yet stylish, phone for me soon.

Soon became right away after Saturday night.

We had a party and spent a lot of time out by the pool. At any given time, there were between 4 and 6 of us sitting at the shallow end with our feet on the top step. Of all the people who took turns sitting there, only one was grabbed by the ankles and yanked into the pool.

Yep, it was me.

I yelled "Cell phone!" as loud as I could but Mac Daddy wasn't paying attention. Not only did he drag me in, he submerged my completely. I was not a happy camper. Since my phone was in my pocket, it was soaked.

The Rocket Scientist grabbed my phone right away, took it apart and dried what he could. I ended up taking it home in pieces and assembled it Sunday morning. I got the screen but no network. We left it on my dashboard to bake in the sun and by 7 PM, I got network but the battery was low so I don't know if it would have dialed. I tried to charge it Sunday night, but it said I was using an unauthorized charger. Monday morning, the charger worked but I only got a few minutes on it before I left for work.

I had already decided on Sunday morning that I was getting a new phone. Especially, since I'm leaving for another trip on Thursday and it would suck to have it stop working while I was gone. I showed him a couple in the paper and he said one of them didn't look too bad. I said, "It's not very cute". He gave me a disgusted look and asked if I was going to go in and just say, "Show me everything you have in pink".


Sugar Daddy and I hit the Verizon store after work last night. I told the guy I wanted a small phone with a full keyboard. There was a pink Blackberry that I checked out but it was bigger than my phone and the keyboard had two letters per key so I wasn't gaining a lot for my typing. There were really only two options that fit my desires and only one came in a color other than black and gray.

LG NV2 it is. In Maroon which I wish were more red. My buddy Dave called it Cardinal Red which is just icky.

I managed to avoid all of the upselling and found out that my contract was actually up next month so I would have been buying a new phone then anyway. so, Mac Daddy's not in the total doghouse but he will be buying me beers for a while.

They couldn't transfer my numbers since the old phone was jacked so George helped me input them last night and this morning. She also helped me read the owner's manual which now has several corners with needle teeth marks in it. Better the manual than me...

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