Thoughts After A San Juan Layover

I recently went to the Virgin Islands and had about two hours to kill at 6 AM at Luis Muñoz Marín International Airport in San Juan, Puerto Rico. 

So, of course, I chose to eat breakfast at the Margaritaville. Jimmy needs more of my money. I had French Toast and a Rum & Diet. Don't judge, I was on vacation. The seats at the bar could not have been more uncomfortable so I decided to meander to the gate after a slight detour.

Who knew?

They had a temporary exhibit up about JFK's involvement with Puerto Rico and pictures from his and Jackie's visit to the island back in the early 1960s. There were some great pictures and trivia tidbits in the exhibit and it was well worth the brief time it took to scope it out. 

Another one!

I then took off towards the gate, I came across a second JB property. Surprisingly, I did not stop in. I think the Landshark sign scared me.

As I headed down the long, lonely hallway to where Seaborne flew, I came across yet another JB bar although it was closed. This airport is not big at all, y'all. I'm pretty sure Jimmy has the market cornered there.

Two things I've noted since I got back. One, I have a bunch of friends who flew in and out of this airport since I came back and I'm not talking about any that were on my trip. And, they all stopped in at the Air Margaritaville. It must be a real hotspot. 

Or, it's just that it's catching my attention now that I've been there. We humans are like that, you know. Buy a new car and then start counting how many times you spot the same model on the road and you can test the theory.

Two, I really enjoyed the little slice of history. I wish all airports had something like that. It would make layovers seem productive. Having said that, my airport does have exhibits and I've yet to walk through a single one. I guess I must think I know everything about Arizona and the Southwest at this point. 


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