Clearly, Not a Girlie Girl

I have inconsistent eyelashes. The lashes on my right eye are perfectly curly. The ones on the left stick straight out. If I put my glasses on too soon after applying my makeup, I end up with mascara all over the left lens.

It's annoying so I developed a plan to correct the issue. I'm a planner, it's what I do.

I bought an eyelash curler.

I've never used one of those before so I read the instructions. Here's what they say:

Open the curler with your thumb and middle finger. Rest the soft pad gently on the base of upper lashes. Gently press finger loops together for 5 to 10 seconds. Release lashes by slowly spreading finger loops apart.

OK. I figured I could do that. Except, I couldn't. I couldn't figure out whether pad goes on the top of the lashes or underneath. I couldn't figure out what angle to use while placing the curler against the lashes. I couldn't even figure out whether I was holding it right side up or not. Every way I tried it, it felt like I was going to either poke my eye with a sharp metal edge or end up tearing all of my lashes out.

How lame.

The planning instinct kicked in and I knew I needed to get further instruction. I googled "eyelash curler instructions" and found some video clips on youtube. Sweet - actual visuals!

I watched the first one and they spent 30 seconds on a tip about heating up the curler first to make the curl stay longer. A tip that I had actually already known. Just as they were getting ready to put the curler to the lash, it ended.


I watched the second one and this time saw the whole process. It was a big "Oh" moment for me. Not that kind of O; it wasn't that exciting. But, I did get it.

Yesterday morning, I was ready to try it out. It was incredibly easy, to be honest. There's even a little resting spot to go against your cheek. I'm not sure how I didn't see any of that to begin with but I have a theory.

I think I'm lacking some girlie girl genes. I can just picture two scientists examining my DNA...

Scientist One: What's this clear spot on that strand?

Scientist Two: Those are the girlie girl genes. You know, the ones that women use to apply their makeup, do their hair in stylish ways and dress well.

Scientist One: (looking at picture of subject attached to subject's chart). Ahhh, that explains a lot.

BTW, that whole heating the curler with your blow dryer before using it? You don't want to heat it too much unless your idea of a fun time is applying blazing hot metal against your eyelid.

Oh, and even with the hot curler, my lashes are still sticking straight out.

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