Reality TV

I’m really not a fan of reality TV. Except for one season of Big Brother from Britain, there’s no show that I’ve really cared about. Eh, maybe a bit of Amazing Race one year. Both of those shows came to me via my roommate at the time. I wouldn’t have sought them out.

Sure, I’ve watched episodes of various shows here and there but most of those were because someone else had them on and I got sucked in. And, sucked in, I do become.

Yesterday was a great example of this. I was at my parents’ for my Mom’s birthday and they had Food Network Star on. In case you’re not familiar, it’s a contest between a bunch of wannabe Food Network personalities to get their own show. The judges were Bobby Flay, Bob Tuschman and Susie Fogelson. I don’t even know who the latter two are.

After sitting through most of the hour (the contest was a Fourth of July cookout and presentation), my Dad decided it was time to go out to dinner so he turned the TV off.

Seriously? There were two minutes left and they were getting ready to kick someone off and he just went “click” with the remote and started towards the door. According to my Mom, he does this sort of thing all the time.

That’s not going to happen when I’m around. I made him turn it back on and we sat down to watch the end.

I found myself rooting for the girl with too much makeup who looked like she was going to cry at any moment and who apparently doesn’t get along with the others to get the boot. However, some goofy dude got kicked off. I don’t even know his name.

In the end, the outcome didn’t matter a whit to my life and I won’t watch another episode but I needed the closure. I don’t know if that’s how others get sucked into reality TV or if they just like watching people expose themselves but I’m happily going back to the DVR tonight for my scripted shows.


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