What Was I Thinking?

Every few days, I go back through my Facebook timeline to see if there are any comments or reactions that I've missed and need to respond to in order to not be rude. I care that way.

My eyes bulged (figuratively but they probably widened a lot) as I saw this post about Goodreads:

Set my goal for 100 books in 2018 with at least 50% non-fiction. I mean, how many vampire books are there left that I haven't already read.







I checked the timestamp to see if this was a late night after drinking post and, nope, stone cold sober at the time.

Here's why I'm finding it incredulous that I wrote this lofty goal of 50%. I read over 100 books a year and, in 2016, I decided to evaluate how many were non-fiction. My initial guess was 20 but then my inner self said that was giving me way too much credit so I revised my guess to 15. When I actually counted them it was 10. Out of 122.


So, in 2017, I set a goal of 20% non-fiction tomes. I made that goal with 25 out of 117 which comes out to 21% and is still hardly worth crowing about.

It was a challenge to get to 20%, y'all! Not only did I have to dredge deep into my to-read list to find non-fiction, I struggled to convince myself to read them instead of a "fun" book. Reading to learn something takes a lot more time and effort than just skimming through a tale about faeries or international assassins.

Basically, I'm a prolifically lazy reader.

I've decided to shoot for it regardless of how crazy I think it is now.

After all, it was published on the internet so it must be true!


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