Memories Of A Hoarder

I'm slowly cleaning out my desk at work taking an hour here and an hour there. While I know I'm a packrat, I still surprise myself with how long I keep things so this could be a very long process.

For an example of how ridiculous I am, last week I found printed emails from 1999. No lie. This week's find was one that took me on a journey to the past. Yes, turn of the century past. (Am I the only one who hears "turn of the century" and think it refers to 1900?)

Back when I lived my life on paper.
And, on a school calendar schedule.

While these planners did go into the garbage, it was not until after I read through them. What did I learn?

I used to go to a lot of meetings. I go to even more now.

Man, that Mark Mulligan must be one heck of a great performer because I saw him dozens and dozens of time. Not only on weekends but on lots of school nights. Probably when my poor sleeping habits started. That guy owes me.

My range of establishments I frequented used to be pretty vast: Tropicana, Lantana Grill, Parrot Bay, Callaloo, O'Brien's, Monastery, Monastery Too, German Corner, Chevy's, Bahama Breeze, Cocomo Joe's, Rio Salado Brewing Company, Greasewood Flat, Waterfront Grill, Clicks, Aunt Chilada's, The Vine on Indian School, Kona Jack's, Valle Luna, Oregano's, Depot Cantina and Greyhound Park. Less than a handful of these places are still open. I hope I wasn't their cooler. (Just kidding, I wasn't. It was actually that Mulligan guy. He owes them, too.)

Buffy the Vampire Slayer was very important to me. I had days and times of the episode airings recorded (only show I did that for) and even went to a series finale party.

I went to Vegas every year, some years more than once. I clearly love Vegas.

True to form, I guess, in that I didn't stay home a lot. I go out fewer nights a week now but I go on a lot more out of town weekend or longer trips. Ah, the benefits of having more vacation time.

Here were the notable highlights which were relevant not only to me but to some of my pals, if you're interested.

First Parrot Grande.
First of many group day trips to Nogales with Arizona Parrot Heads.
Andrea's Bridal Shower and Wedding.
Reruns of commissions.
Buffett in Vegas at Key Largo (first time staying at Key Largo - miss that place.)
Lasik surgery. I actually went over three years before I had to start wearing glasses again and at first it was only for night driving. Yes, I was nearly blind before surgery.
Shorty's Kiwanis installation. I think it was as President. Tree, acorn and all that.
Steven's braces off. No mention of how many retainers he lost.
First EDI installation at work. We're all about cutting edge technology. LOL

Reruns of commissions.
Fingers Taylor at Cocomo Joe's. That was a great night.
Boston trip with Cheryl. So cold that the flask she had in her back pocket froze shut as we did the Freedom Trail.
Maria's last day at work (the first or second time - she's a repeat rebounder).
First (for me) San Diego PHC Anniversary weekend.
Lots and lots of Diamondbacks games. Sugar Daddy bought a big chunk of the season and I freeloaded.

Doug's 50th Birthday Party.
Crystal and Jeff's Wedding.
Reruns of commissions.
Steven's Graduation.
High School Reunion. No, I won't say which one it was.
Not as many Diamondbacks games. I can't remember if Sugar Daddy didn't buy tickets or if he got tired of me freeloading.

Reruns of commissions. (I wrote the code that calculated sales peeps' commissions. There were lots of changes. I was very happy when someone else assumed this responsibility).
Lots of Diamondbacks games. I think this is the year where I finally ponied up on the purchase costs and we bought series tickets which gave us one home game in every series.
(First one for everyone?) Parrots in the Pines.
First (for me) Migration.
Stacey's Baby Shower.
First Book Club Meeting - and we're still going!
First (for me) Meeting of The Minds - and I'm still going!

Nothing. It looks like I went full electronic at then end of 2003.

There were a few notes tucked in the pages but I thought some would appreciate this additional blast from the past.

We spent a lot of bank at this store. I miss it.


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