Board Game Tuesday - My Final Chapter
Back in January of 2017, my friend and colleague Kyle polled our department to see who would like to participate in playing board games once a week during lunch. We started at the end of that month and the group soon settled into the "regulars" - Kyle, Lenny, Brian and me. Occasionally, one of us would be out and someone else would drop in for the week but then it would be back to our gang.
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#boardgametuesday Kyle, Kathy, Brian and Lenny |
At one point during our RIF process, I was considering leaving at the end of May so Kyle suggested that I get to pick whatever games I wanted to play for that month. I ended up staying for June and we let Brian pick those since he was also leaving. I lucked out on the math since I got five weeks to pick and he only got four proving, once again, that I am the Princess.
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World's Fair 1893 |
I immediately knew which game I wanted to play first. World's Fair 1893 is my game. There's something about that allows me to dominate. (Unless Lenny is a Jerk to me.) The guys don't really dig it so were happy I won because, if I hadn't, we were going to keep playing until I did. Yes, they did try to tell me they let me win. No, I don't believe it.
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Settlers of Catan |
I had to go with Settlers for my next pick. Fun and classic. Because I came in last (Lenny!) and Brian missed the week, we played it again. And, Lenny won again.
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Pandemic |
I picked Pandemic for week four because if we didn't save the world, I wanted to give us a do-over in my last week. Not only did we save the world, we did it quite efficiently. It's nice to be collaborative rather than combative for a change.
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Splendor |
My last pick was Splendor which was the first game we played together. Seemed poetic. Lenny won again but at least I came in second.
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Epic Galaxies |
Brian picked Epic Galaxies for his first week. Good pick for him as he won. Bad pick for me as I ended up in last place. I'm just not very good at the game. In case you're wondering, Lenny didn't play that week.
His next pick was Dominion - Intrigue and Lenny was out again so Yvonne took his spot but not his place as she came in last. Kyle got the win and Brian picked the gam again for the next week. Kyle was out that time so Yvonne was back in and managed a well done second. Oh, yeah, Lenny won again. We played it again for the last week, and last ever Board Game Tuesday (for Brian and me), and Kyle had to miss because of a work crisis. Yvonne filled in and handily won ending Lenny's win streak dating back to World's Fair 1893. Yay, Yvonne!
While Brian and I are now former "regulars", the traditional will carry on as Kyle has recruited Yvonne and they're working on a fourth.
I sure hope someone keeps up the Board Game Tuesday spreadsheet and records finish spots. I also hope they fill in the Game Jerk column. Since, I'll be gone, it will probably have a lot fewer mentions of Lenny there. (I created a spreadsheet last October to record our finishes after we had a discussion where our recollections didn't jibe. There's not always a Game Jerk, though.)
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For a game jerk, that Lenny is pretty cool. I LOVE my new Settlers of Catan inspired artwork! |
Brian and I are hoping where ever we land, we will find a similar group but there's no replacing the magic of this group. It's been fun, entertaining and truly bonding. Tuesdays will never be the same.