Love 'Em or Hate 'Em

There are some sports teams that inspire raging loyalty or intense dislike. The kind where the fans are literally depressed if they lose and their detractors ecstatic.

I submit to you that the New England Patriots are one of those teams. While I personally don't hate them with a fiery passion, I kind of a get a kick out of it when they lose. They may be blessed with a bionic QB but they're also cheaters. There, I said it. Fight me.

This love/hate was clearly seen with the Facebook series of photos I took a few months ago. The quick story is that my friends who are uber-Pats fans couldn't get in to their hotel room yet so they stashed all of their gear in mine. When they cleared out, they left one thing behind.

I posted this picture with the caption, "Anyone have a blow torch?"

Most of the resulting comments were, well, let's just say not from Patriot fans.

Proceeding from there, I posted this next set of pictures all just with the caption, "Should I?"

Please note:  I immediately apologized to the #terrors and changed the litter after taking this pic.

The comments just came in one after the other. Some people lamented that I didn't actually do anything to the cup yet and others offered to take it off my hands so they could save it.

I thought about trying to find one (or more) cups online and buying them to really destroy but I'm lazy and was out of ideas anyway. So, at our weekly pizza gathering a few days after our trip, I returned the cup to its family.

Captioned, "Should I?", of course.

But, before it was returned it made one last visit to a danger zone.

Confession #1 - I didn't go into the Men's Room.
Confession # 2 - I wouldn't have recognized this as a urinal without several clues. #sheltered

Man, I  hope they ran that thing through the Sanitize setting on the dishwasher.


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