A Packrat Doesn't Change its...whatever it is that packrats have.

My new kitchen has probably more than four times as much storage space as my old one. I'm really trying not to exaggerate on that, too. At least double the cupboards and a corner pantry have given me a much bigger playing area for where to put stuff.

What happened in the old kitchen was that I had to Tetris in items all the way to the back of the cupboard. Out of sight, out of mind as I often forgot what I had. Anyone need a veggie chopper? I unearthed three when I packed to move.

Now, I can go to Costco or even my local Fry's and take advantage of bulk buys. Eight cans of green chilis? Sold! Multi-pack of black olives? You bet! Baking binge so three bags of flour, 2 of regular sugar and another of powered sugar? Gotta have it on hand! Look, I'm saving money!

I was feeling pretty good about it all. A place for everything and everything in its place.

Then, one morning, The Container Store sent me an ad with a picture of this pantry in it.

Be. Still. My. Heart.

Look how organized! And, room for appliances! And so much other stuff! I couldn't click on that link fast enough.

$1,278 plus installation? I couldn't click off that link fast enough.

But, the idea of the door rack stuck with me. I mean it's just wasted space there.

So, first step was Amazon where I read way too many reviews of way too many products. Then I checked out Target, Home Depot, Lowe's and Ace. Heck, I even went to Walmart and I hate them. I ended up back at Amazon and decided, what the heck, pick one and choose.

Choose I finally did and after a few days of dilly-dallying because I thought it would be too hard to set up I took the plunge. Turned out it was easy peasy. I took the advice of some of the product commenters and used white duct tape to tape it down. It holds steady. And, now I'm someone who has two different colors of duct tape.

So much more room!
(Not pictured, Christmas gift of Air Fryer that is now off my counter.)

I swear I wasn't trying to fill up the empty space but apparently, I did. If anyone needs a box of stuffing or a can of gravy, hit me up. I have three of each.


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