My New Office

I was "transferred" to a new office on March 16. It's pretty roomy, has a nice view of the great outdoors and easy access to snacks. Perhaps too easy.

Overall, it wasn't a bad transition despite having to sit at my kitchen counter to work. My VOIP phone has to connect directly to my only router and I couldn't find a 75 foot ethernet cord to go from the living room, down the hall and across my actual office in the chaos that was our last day of full freedom here in AZ. Could I order one online now? Sure, but I'm too lazy to move stuff.

While my new working digs may be nice, my new colleagues are a nightmare.

The girl is a complete narcissist. Everything is about her, all the time. It's a constant barrage for attention for most of the day. She messes with my computer and interrupts all of my calls. I'll give her one thing, she's completely comfortable with her body and proudly shows her butt on every video call.

I'm waiting for you!

Let me help you by closing all your browser tabs, change your settings, send things to the printer, update your spreadsheets and compose replies to your emails.

I've lost track of how many video calls where she actually turns my camera off. I feel like it's a statement about the fact that I went 35 straight days without makeup. Hurtful.

The boy is the laziest worker I've ever seen. I think he literally sleeps most of the day.

Until he decides to be a distraction, that is.

What's in this cupboard? 

If he thought something was interesting up here, I must investigate as well.

He also disturbs the very fragile peace that I pray to have.

She was finally leaving me alone!
(Please note that I have since cleaned off the hair and put a towel done for easier cleanup.)

Let me rile you up so you will go demand attention!

I can sometimes distract them with opening the front door so they can birdwatch or making an alternative resting spot.

Cloth bags make for a great bed, apparently.

What's odd is that their roles switch as soon as the work day is over. I would be quite happy to socialize with the girl, maybe share a glass of wine and gossip. But, no, she disappears.

The boy, however, is clearly crushing on me because I can't sit on the couch without him being all over me.

I wanna hold your hand.

I'm actually looking forward to the days when I have a commute and can complain about how loud my human colleagues are. At least, they don't shed on me. And, none of them have showed me their butts.


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