Pretend Painter

Another project complete! Picasso would be proud. Or, more likely, rolling in his grave.

Here's what the box showed it should look like.

Seven hours in.
Sixteen hours in.
Eighteen hours of my life I'll never get back.

That last one looks done, right?

So. Not. Done.

The final step is to pore over every section and see if you missed any little dots or lines or even larger sections. Then, you have to figure out what color it should be because you've somehow painted over the number. After comparing the canvas to the box picture multiple times, you just decide to use the color that's currently on the brush in your hand.

Repeat previous paragraph ad infinitum because no matter how many times you think you've found them all, yet another spot jumps out at you as unfinished.

It's not like you're A) getting graded, B) anyone will notice and C) anyone will care so, eventually, you have to call it done.


Probably close to twenty hours of work but it kept me entertained in lockdown.

But, wait, there's more! I only bought two kits but one of my friends who also purchased opened up one of hers, saw the work entailed and said, "Hell, no". She mailed me her two kits and they look to be a lot of work.

So much blue.

Oh, well, it's not like I have a lot of other things to do and it will keep me off the streets.


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