An Overabundance of Festive

I've considered for quite a few years that I have enough holiday themed jewelry to wear a different pair of earrings every day between Thanksgiving and Christmas. When I inherited my Mom's jewelry this year, I was 100% certain and decided to test the theory.

For every day that I wore jewelry (weekend days are out if I don't leave my house) I took a picture of what I wore then set them aside so I wouldn't repeat. If I had an accessory, I included that in the picture. Except for my reindeer headband that I wore several times as it was a) a repeat and b) too big to fit into the pictures.

Not only did I not repeat, I think I could have gone another 20 days. My Mom and I really got into jewelry.

Of course, no project goes smoothly. Nearly every photo taken involved shooing one of the #terrors out of the picture, often multiple times. They took turns interfering though Starbuck was the bigger pest overall.

For the backgrounds, I used my set of linen napkins. They're all going in to the washer to get the cat hair off of them now that the project is complete.

BTW, if you want to know which pair is my favorite, it's the Troll Santas by far. I usually wear them several times a year when I'm not performing experiments.

For your viewing pleasure, here's what I wore.


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