June 2020
Most of 2020 sucked. But, there were some good moments that made memories to cling to. I'm going to review some of those moments from each month. (Disclaimer - my memory isn't what it used to be so this is my story and I'm sticking to it regardless of reality.) It was definitely the dog days of summer in June. I had the 2020 Rite of Passage in that I took a COVID-19 test. The good news is that it was negative. The other good news is that they didn't actually penetrate my brain with the swab but it sure felt like it. #donotrecommend Tammy and Michael made a grocery store run for me so I didn't run out of Diet Pepsi while I waited for my test results which would have been a crisis for sure. At that time, they were taking at least a week to get results back. Does not represent my actual cats. I finished up my second paint by number masterpiece. This one had so many little dots where I couldn't read the prescribed number so it was a lot of "let's go with t...