March 2020

Most of 2020 sucked. But, there were some good moments that made memories to cling to. I'm going to review some of those moments from each month. (Disclaimer - my memory isn't what it used to be so this is my story and I'm sticking to it regardless of reality.)

The home improvements continued in March. More complaining from Steven continued as well. Bzzzz. Bzzzz.

Party lights on the back patio.

Solar lights on the driveway and front patio.

Hanging the lights was easy. The front lights were more challenging. Apparently, my front yard is a shallow layer of gravel on top of packed dirt impersonating concrete. Steven ended up digging holes with a screwdriver then shoving the bases of the lights in while I followed behind and attached the actual light part. It looks great except that I think all of the batteries (yep, solar lights with batteries) have worn out now so I need to replace them. It sure made my house easier to find at night.

As is my way, I waited until the last minute to get a propane fire pit and it arrived the same day as my next round of company. In fact, Steven was still assembling it when Darrel and Deanna arrived from Minnesota. Bzzzzz. Bzzzzz. Fortunately, Deanna is an expert and provided guidance for the last few bits of setup.

So pretty!

Man, D & D are easy company to have. They entertained themselves while I was at work and were ready to go do some fun stuff when I got home. 

Fatso's of course.

We took in two Cubs Spring Training games. The first with my usual crew and the second just the three of us. I honestly don't remember if we won or not. We just had fun. The trip was Deanna's birthday present to Darrel and he's a Cubs fan. What a great gift!


Tammy joined us at Edelweiss where we sat outside and were visited by their mascot, Fritz. He was quite interested in digging up something under our table and even spent some time resting on my foot. We have since been told that Fritz is now "living on a farm". I think we all know what that code means. :(

When the big pig wants to do something, you let him.

Big Beer for the Birthday Boy

In the middle of their stay, I took off for Shorty's house. My cousin, Matt, and his family were in town for the day coming up from where they lived south of Tucson, I say lived because they've since moved so I'm really grateful I got to spend time with them. Not so grateful that Matt skunked me at Cribbage, though.

A bunch of Pfisters

All too soon, Deanna and Darrel had to go home. Not going to lie, I was really getting used to having humans around the house. Even Starbuck was coming out to socialize.

Norene excited for the big show.

Norene, Lori and I ventured to a local casino to see War. Wow, they were fantastic! What was less fantastic was the lady seated next to me who invaded my space, called out (loudly) out Lonnie's (the lead singer) name at a near constant pace to get his attention and didn't stop even after he acknowledged her then finally made me provider her IT support as she was trying to both post pictures to Facebook and also text them to someone. I always get those people.

The last event of the month was the Arizona Parrot Head Club Picnic. We had music from Doug Kelley, played lots of games and enjoyed each other's company in person. I'm glad we did it because it was the last in person event we had for quite a while. Less glad that I didn't win the 50/50. Ripoff.

One of our newest 'Keets, Ian!

These two with their love for sitting on feet.

Mette and Lori playing Cornhole on my new set.

Adam and Scott losing.

Steven was super excited to play with Karen and Lou's new baby girl.

Tammy, the eternal pusher. 
Safety first, she had tongs to deliver the Jello Shots.

Hard to believe I packed all of that in in the first two weeks of the month. Grateful that I did.


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