I can't recall the last four days in a row off from work that I've had that didn't revolve around a trip, a family event or being sick as a dog. Maybe never.

But, I did last weekend and it was glorious!

The 4th of July is a work holiday and several departments were encouraging their people to take the 3rd off as well. We all knew it was going to be a slow day. I thought, "Why the heck not?" and marked myself down for vacation.

My plan was simple. Reading and sleeping.

I started with Friday night. After a couple of beers with Steven, I headed home and hit a book for a while. I then stayed up clearing shows off my DVR before heading to bed to read some more. Saturday was a wake up, read between doing laundry and watching some more TV. Sunday was great because there was no laundry. Just books, a nap and TV.

Monday looked to be a lather, rinse, repeat activity but my friends, The O'Malley Babes, enticed me out with an opportunity to hang in their pool, drink beer and have Mary grill me dinner. Since I had just finished the latest book, I could think of no reason not to go! 

It was fantastic. Lots of floating around with friends and we even got Shorty to come over for a while. Nine hours later I headed home and what do you think I did? Yep, read some more.

Shorty had texted me late last week with "What are you doing on the 4th?" My reply was "reading and sleeping". He ignored that and said we were having brats, potato salad and corn on the cob for dinner. Guess I had plans.

It was a nice couple of hours. Dinner was great but excessive in calories which is to be expected for a holiday. I came home around six and, what do you know, I read some more. I also comforted the cats who didn't completely freak out because of the fireworks but who also didn't enjoy them either.

It was all just what the Doctor ordered (I did watch the season finale of Doctor Who, oh my) and needed to recharge my batteries. I was actually refreshed and happy to head in to work today and the detox of downtime cannot be understated. 

My #fmspad for tomorrow.
Coincidentally, my Fat Mum Slim Photo A Day theme for tomorrow is reading. Above is a preview of my pic. 

Here's what I've read since Friday:
The Book of Speculation - Erika Swyler - Kindle
The Boy on the Bridge - MR Carey - Kindle
Martians Abroad - Carrie Vaughn
Low Midnight - Carrie Vaughn
Tools of Titan - Time Ferris (half way through - it's dense and best absorbed in small pieces)

Here's what I intend to finish by the end of this Friday:
The Play of Death - Oliver Poetzsch
Wish You Were Here:  The Official Biography of Douglas Adams - Nick Webb

I'm not sure when I'll take the opportunity again but this was an extraordinary time of reading and being good to myself. I enjoyed every moment of the luxury of just hanging out and chilling and am grateful I could. 

Reading is fundamental, yo.


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