"Working" From Home

I rarely work from home.

My reasoning is that I love people and go nuts being by myself all day (unless I'm reading a book then I don't need ANYONE). Secondly, because I have too many meetings that I need to be physically present for (we don't do remote stuff beyond conference calling for the most part).

But, truly, it's so that I don't off my cat out of pure frustration.

Here's how a typical work attempt goes:

  • I sit down at the table and open my laptop.
  • Starbuck jumps on the table, steps on to the laptop and tries to head butt her way into getting me to pet her.
  • I push her off on to the floor and try to resume work.
  • She immediately jumps back up on the table, steps on the laptop and tries to head butt her way into getting me to pet her.
  • I pick her up and drop her on to the floor.
  • She immediately jumps back up on the table, steps on the laptop and tries to head butt her way into getting me to pet her.
  • I pick her up and drop her more forcibly on the floor.
  • She immediately jumps back up on the table, steps on the laptop and tries to head butt her way into getting me to pet her.
  • I pick her up and drop her more forcibly and with more distance on the floor.
  • She immediately jumps back up on the table, steps on the laptop and tries to head butt her way into getting me to pet her.

Add in an increasing volume of cursing and you have the complete picture.

These are all different attempts to get my attention in one sitting:

This is the Eff you pose:
you aren't petting me, you don't get to work!
With all the laptop action, she has opened new tabs on the browser and searched for random characters in google and even opened a new email and started filling in the addressee. Fortunately, there's not a match for knda;nfgeag in my address book or she would probably send a message.

If I'm lucky, she'll settle in mostly out of my way.

How can you be angry? I LURVE you!
During all of this, Samwise just dozes in the kitty condo. My "Why can't you be more like your brother?" entreaties fall on deaf kitty ears.

My friend Crash used to say she just needed two days alone with the Terrors and she would train them to stay off the tables and counters. She's now upped it to five days. I think it would take a lifetime; I'm just not sure if it would be their lifetime or hers.


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