My Nemesis

I hate technology. Which, knowing that I work in Information Technology, seems pretty crazy. But, I do.

In my defense, it hated me first.

Especially printers.

Most specifically, the printer in our department.

Smug, unhelpful bastard.

It's not even become a noteworthy incident anymore because of how many times I send something to this printer, walk across the room to get my print then stare at nothing while hoping something is going to come out.

The latest was yesterday:
  • I sent a document, walked over and found that the printer was turned off. 
  • I turned the printer back on but no print job came out.
  • Walked back to my desk and saw a message saying the printer wasn't found. Made sense, it had been turned off after all. 
  • Paused and resumed my print from my machine and walked back over.
  • Still no print job. 
  • Walked back to my desk, canceled the job completely and reprinted to the same printer
  • While walking back over, I asked a colleague to try to print. 
  • Got to the machine and my colleague's print job was there. Mine was not.
  • Walked back to my machine and saw a message that it still couldn't see the printer.
  • Canceled the job.
  • Reprinted to the Admin area printer.
  • Walked over to the Admin printer and picked up my print job.
  • Cursed our department printer. (Actually, I cursed it during most of this process.)
And, no, I haven't changed anything in my printer settings.

This has been up for years now.

If you were wondering what the sign was that's hanging behind the printer, it's in the above picture.

Yeah, I put it up.


Unknown said…
Printers are the ebil clowns of the technology world, they laugh at you, I heard them. Don't get me started on paper jams when you have something important to print.

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