Board Game Tuesday

Three of my colleagues and I have continued our monthly rotation of board games playing during our lunch so I thought it was time for an update on what we've played. With a few exceptions for vacations, we've all played every week. It's been good bonding time and generated some great memories. I think my favorite takeaway over the past few months is my colleague's extreme bitterness on his multi-month second place finish streak. I would have been ecstatic. He was frustrated beyond belief and finally broke it with a first place last week.

Grrr. This game. You build your own species and try to collect the most food for the win. I was pretty good at building my defenses and stuck to the herbivores but one of my colleagues was the king of switching back and forth from carnivores and killed me. Literally, a few times. I never won. I did call my colleagues jerks. A lot.

Carcassonne is a tile laying game with meeple placement. Where you put your meeple (little people figures) determines how many points you get. As I recall, I only did OK on this one. It was enjoyable, though.


The world was doomed.

We saved the world!
Pandemic was really entertaining. It's funny because I'm so competitive but, I really liked that all the players worked together to save the world from virus breakouts. I think we were 3-2 for the month. It was a tough game to beat. This was the first game where I started posting a weekly picture with my results so I have an actual record on how we did instead of relying on my faulty memory. #boardgametuesday

World's Fair 1893

You get to build exhibits when you have the highest meeples in each area. 
The higher the number of sets of exhibits you build give you the most points.

World's Fair 1893 made me feel like a board game savant! Finally, something I could dominate in. I just "got it". And, I loved it. I won 3 out of 4 and my only loss was because one of my colleagues made it a point to sabotage me. Bonus in that the exhibit details are pretty interesting. That was some fair!

Settlers of Catan
You build roads and cities to score points.
Collector's Item 3-D version.

Fancy Schmancy.
Settlers of Catan is what I call the Granddaddy of board games. It's the one game that I hear about from most everyone who's a player. I was challenged by it. A fun aspect is that you trade with other players for the resources to build everything. You get resources if the roll of the dice matches where you've built. It was funny how many times we got 10 on our rolls. Very much outside of the expected statistics. For our final week, one of my colleagues brought in his collector's version and it was very cool. I had two 4th place finishes, one third but one very satisfying win where one of my colleagues dropped an F bomb when I claimed the victory. So awesome! I gloated for quite a while.

Ticket To Ride Europe

A tied finish
Crisscrossing European Train Routes
Man, Ticket To Ride Europe was tough for me. I had some strategy issues at first then one of my colleagues jacked me at the beginning of our last game or I would have been a contender, I tell you! I tied for third, had two third place finishes on my own and ended up fourth on our last go around. I will not miss playing this one. Yet, I want to continue to play it into the ground until I beat them all. Did I mention I was competitive?

I'm not sure what we're on to for next month but I've really had a blast with my colleagues playing. Even though, they're mostly jerks.

PS These colleagues could not be further away from being jerks in real life.


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