Company Goodness

Our company was founded in the 70s and there are still a few people working here from back in the day and a little later than that. One of my favorite peeps just celebrated her 25th Anniversary last week. Wow. That's more than a lifetime for a lot of our employees.

There was a great party for her. She's a big Francophile who visits France nearly every year. Our biggest meeting room got turned into a little slice of Paris in her honor. Mood lighting, Impressionist paintings on the wall, Eiffel tower table decorations…it looked awesome!

The food was great, too. No Costco carrot cake for her. There was Brie, various shortbreads, fruit, nuts, chocolates in various flavors and shapes (including the Eiffel Tower), veggies and I don't know what else. I had to have a choco Eiffel Tower and tried some of the breads. Good stuff.

The guests ran the gamut from the CEO and his wife to people who work in the production area. We have a lot of folks from Africa and Indonesia and they appear to be big on ceremony and celebrations like this. A couple of the guys even brought in their cameras to get their picture taken with the guest of honor. It was all quite heartwarming and I don't often feel that what with being a crusty, cynical type.

The next day, our department got treated to a pizza lunch from one of our salespeople. When I started here 10 years ago, she was working in the inbound customer service area. Today, she's a perennial award winner in most of the sales contests. She actually called while on vacation to ask if she could buy us lunch as a thank you for our support. When you work in the I.T. department, you're more used to getting beat up on, not getting thanked with food.

It's stuff like this that makes me appreciate our corporate culture. There's a real bonding among the employees that goes beyond just being co-workers and it often makes it a pleasure to be at work no matter how crappy the task at hand might actually be.

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