Destined for the Poor House

I was asked last night if I were fiscally responsible. My reply was an emphatic "No." Don't get me wrong, I wish I were. It's just not something I've concentrated on but I intend to. At some point. Really.

It might be a losing battle anyway because whether you subscribe to the theory of nature or nurture, I'm screwed.

Know how I know that?

Well, let me tell you a story.

My parents have a Honda Odyssey van. It's actually pretty nice and it does a decent job of getting my Mom around town. Saturday, they get a call from the Honda dealership with a hook. "We can get you into a 2010 Odyssey without raising your payments."

Sure they can because you're going to be paying for another few years longer than you were before.

My parents went off to "just look." Steven called me to ask what the odds were that they would come home with a new vehicle. I said it was zero to two percent that they wouldn't. I got a later update from him that the finance guy was off working some numbers but they were looking at a CRV.

Of course they took the deal. Never mind that they owned the Odyssey (well, still making payments) and that the new vehicle is on a lease…it's $30 a month cheaper!

See, this is how I grew up. And those are my biological parents. I can't fight nature so I might as well go shopping tonight.

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