Drunken Painting

Two of my Poker Chick friends and I bought a Living Social deal for DIY painting at a local arts store in Mesa. For $25 a person, the store provided canvas, brushes, paints and an instructor to give you advice.

The best part of the deal? You could bring your own booze!

I got there a little early and started chatting with two other women who came in when I did. The store had 100 designs on the wall to give you ideas and we examined all of them. The ideas were nicely labeled with a degree of difficulty from 1 to 3. I had no shot at completing a 3 and I wondered even about a 2.

By the time Stacy and Angela got there, I was firmly a BFF with my fellow artists. Angela asked me, "Did you know them already?" I said, "No." Then, she just rolled her eyes and shook her head at me.

Don't hate me for my superior social butterfly skills!

Canvas and a bottle - that could have been all I needed.

The picture I chose to emulate. Degree of difficulty = 2.

We each picked a different picture to paint and, after a few minutes direction from the instructor, we were off and painting.

I think I used more physical paint than anyone in the room.

My final product! I'd like to say the differences were artistic ones but I'm just really bad.

How someone else did my same picture.

Angela's effort. This was a popular picture in our group. I saw at least three other versions.

Stacey's work. Hers was definitely the best of ours.

It was a fun two hours and, for the record, I didn't finish the bottle of wine. I enjoyed hanging with my homies and also wandering the room to see what everyone else was doing.  

They had blow dryers there so we could make everything was dry enough to be transported and the assistant made sure we signed our "art". In case we get famous or something.

I was wondering what to do with my fabulous new piece of artwork and throwing it somewhere in George's room (along with all of my other junk) was leading the list of ideas when I showed my Dad the pictures from our night on my computer. He asked me, "Can you send me a copy of your painting?" I said, "You can have the painting!" We were both all "Yay!" on that idea.

I have no idea where he's going to hang it but it will at least be out of my house. And, how sweet is it that he actually wants it? Pretty damn sweet.


the overachiever said…
3rd paragragh...wandered?
Cheesehead said…
Oy. Fixed.

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