Friday = Caturday

One of the guys at work started sending out a cat picture to the IT group each Friday. Inevitably, one picture leads to a bunch of comments and a few more pictures. Sometimes, it takes so little to keep techies amused.

I started today's thread with a picture from Facebook after one of Help Desk peeps went to install Safari on a PC and it came up looking like a Microsoft Virus.

The email subject line was "I think it was labeled Safari..."
The next picture came through because someone thought it was funny on two levels. The tension on the leash and that it looks like the cat has a gun.

I replied, "Pew, pew, pew".

The boss replied, "What are you, 12? It should be bang, bang, bang!"

I replied "What are you, over 50?" right after someone said "not if you use lasers!"

That spawned this picture with the note, "I think for cat pictures, Kathy is correct..."

Then we got this:

Cats with lasers

The thread ended with a link to this blog called

And, then we all went back to work.


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