Always The Princess

Our work birthdays generally involve cake and ice cream. We're pretty traditional that way. Most folks know that I am an absolute frosting fiend. I have no interest in the ice cream and the cake is just there to hold the frosting together.

So, I usually get the piece with the most frosting, whether it's a corner or one with big flowers on it. I will give the biggest frosting piece up to the birthday boy or girl if they share my addiction. I'm a giver that way. Plus, it is their birthday...

Probably the nicest guy in the department was handing out the cake and ice cream and he put a plate down in front of me. It had ice cream and a piece of cake from the middle...without one extra bit of decoration. No writing, even! Just a pathetically thin layer of white frosting.

I said, "Um, no, that is not a Kathy piece."

Poor guy. Here he was trying to be all helpful and I was being a snot. I felt bad. But not for long.

As soon as the words were out of my mouth, two different guys were frantically offering me corner pieces. I think they thought I was going to go with an "Off with his head" edict.

As much as I try to convince people (and myself) that I'm not high maintenance, it's incidents like this that make me say, "Damn, you really do think you're a Princess!"

OK, maybe I'm not low maintenance...but the most I'll admit to is medium.

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