Lucky To Be Alive!

We're now experiencing our two to three weeks of spring here in Phoenix. That's the time it goes from still really cold at night to blistering hot in the day. It seems like it does it overnight, actually.

While the weather is pleasant, I've been opening my patio door and letting the air flow through the screen door. It's nice to be able to air out the house.

Here's the scary part. The last time I had the patio door open, I forgot to reset the safety bar.

That was days ago...

I don't know how the local axe murdered could have missed the fact that he could have gotten into my place with just a little jimmying of the patio door lock. From there, it would take next to nothing to get in my house and chop me into tiny bits.

I can only guess that he's on vacation, torturing co-eds since it's spring break.

Whew, I feel like I dodged a bullet on this one!

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