Can You Say "Threepeat?"

I hope Pat Reilly doesn't sue me for that headline since he actually trademarked the word.

What a great race in Vegas! OK, not for the drivers because the track was too slick, the tires too hard and there were lots of crashes. But great for me because Jimmie Won, Jimmie Won, Jimmie Won!

Did I mention that Jimmie won? For the third time in a row at Vegas, too. Sweet!

Lewie was at the race (maybe I can make it next year) and he told me he was happy with the results but it would have been better if they had finished in numerical order (Gordon came in second).

I think they did come in numerically, though. Jimmie's my #1 favorite driver and he finished first. Gordon finished second and he's, well, he's not my #2 driver so I guess it didn't quite work out numerically after all. If Elliott Sadler had come in second, it would have worked out perfectly for me.

On a side note, is it just me or does it seem like during every race someone says something about Robby Gordon doing something stupid? I'm just saying...

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