Getting To Know Each Other, Part Two

Our last team building exercise was a simple exercise. Each person wrote down the answers to three questions then we took turns reading the answers aloud. I got it from the Field Guide to The Five Dysfunctions of a Team.

The questions were:

1. Where did you grow up?
2. How many kids in your family?
3. What was the biggest challenge you had while growing up?

A couple people were very short and abrupt with their answers which I think says something about them despite their not opening up. Most of the group shared some pretty personal stuff and a lot of it no one knew.

Some of the things that were shared by several different groups of people: broken/blended/single parent homes, kids of military personnel, lots of moving around, several lower income backgrounds, being bored with school or having ADD and living in Yuma, AZ (of all places!).

Simple as it was, I think it did a good job of bringing us a little closer together which was the ultimate goal of the exercise.

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