Better To Be Lucky Than Good

Well, my Yahoo! NCAA Tourney picks are a bust. I had Kansas winning the whole thing so I'm pretty much screwed.

However, I'm Aces in my other tourney through no effort of my own.

Here's how it works. For a $10 buy in, we each got two randomly assigned teams, one on each side of the bracket. If you had the favorite, you advanced if that team tied or beat the point spread. If you had the underdog and the favorite failed to beat or tie the spread, you moved on to the next round with the favorite now becoming your team.

The payout is $160 for First, $80 for second and $40 for Third and Fourth.

Sugar Daddy sent me a text message on Saturday whining that it was unfair that I had two teams left in the Elite Eight as he only had one. Well, he's even more bitter now that I have two in the final four and he's completely out! As a matter of fact, he said he hated me today because of it. I quite enjoyed hearing that.

I'm guaranteed an $80 payout at the moment. Adding to the fun, I'm playing two of my work buds in the Final Four and we've made lunch bets on the games.

So, in a perfect world, I could come out of this with $240 and two lunches. And, Sugar Daddy will be even more bitter.


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