Fun (for me) At Work

Want to freak out your co-workers?

Walk around the office with a pen and some papers in your hands. Peer in to every office and cube. Periodically, jot something down on the papers.

That's all you have to do!

I've been doing a physical inventory of all of our printers. That means I have to go through all of the buildings, find the printers and compare them to a master list. Well, to be honest, we don't have a master list and that's a problem. I'm actually comparing them to several lists but that's not the point.

The point is that I've had people partially follow me to see what I'm doing, curiously look at me and raise their eyebrows in a questioning manner but no one's actually asked me what I'm doing. It's almost like they're afraid to find out. I have been telling folks my mission but only after I make them suspicious.

Hey, it's a crappy task so I need to get whatever fun out of it that I can.

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