Key West, Florida Is My Home (Sorta)

I only spend one week a year in Key West yet it feels like home to me. It's comfortable and welcoming and familiar despite the short amount of time I spend there.

One reason is the size. Or, lack thereof. I can get almost everywhere I want to go on foot or a in quick cab ride. Because it's not so big, I have a pretty good grasp of where things are, too. Not a perfect grasp - I get turned around at least once every year but alcohol is usually a factor then.

Except for one year, I've stayed in the same condo. It's become "our" condo in my mind. Even though they've made some changes to it, it's mostly the same as when we first started renting it.

It's also the attitude. It's hard to be anything but relaxed when you're wearing tank tops, shorts and sandals to every event. I also appreciate the live and let live vibe. It's the only place I've been when two men or two women can walk down a major street while holding hands and no one thinks twice about it. Well, they may wonder if the women are really women but they don't judge.

Of course, it helps that when I'm there, I'm accompanied by 2,500 to 3,000 of my Parrot Head friends. It's hard not to run into someone you know while you're out and about. That definitely gives it a neighborhood feel.

I guess the real test of "just like home" feel would be to go for a week when it's not the Meeting of The Minds convention. Hmmmm. I can justify it as a social experiment so it would be all for science's sake.

Excuse me, I'm off to check my calendar and my bank account...

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