No Pressure Or Anything... is a great site to keep track of what you've read and get ideas from people with similar tastes on what else to check out. There are also discussion groups, author blogs and book lists. You could spend a lot of time on there.

I used to read a LOT more than I do now. That's what adding a boyfriend to the life will do. A boyfriend who's allergic to your cat so you're always at his house and never remember to bring something to read. I don't regret the BF part at all but I do miss my books.

One of my Goodreads friends is a prolific reader and very active participant on the site. She sent me (along with many others) an invite to join a group for next year: 144 Books in 2010. The idea is to read and record 144 books during the year at whatever pace you choose. The books are of your own choosing, too, except that kidlet books are not allowed to count. Guess I can't read Where The Wild Things Are for this. Drat.

Because I have trouble saying no, I signed up for it. Not sure what I was thinking because I don't know where I'll find the time. 144 books averages out to 12 a month. That sounds like a lot. It also works out to almost 3 a week. For some reason, that seems more reasonable. I can read 3 books in one Saturday. However, I don't have every Saturday free to do so.

We'll see how I do. I may end up taking off the month of December just to finish.

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