What's For Dinner?

I have many friends who cook really elaborate meals, take pictures of said meals then post all the details. I don't know if they are just wanting to share or bragging. All I know is that my meals will never be posted like that. Solely because they can't begin to compare.

Here's what I had for dinner tonight:

Cooked Cauliflower with two tablespoons of cheesed mixed in.

Sounds fascinatingly flavorful, doesn't it?

I had dessert, though. I sliced up some pears that were about to go bad and baked them with some brown sugar on them. Apparently, it takes 50 minutes at 350 degrees to cook the pears all the way through. I checked them every 10 minutes after the first 20.

Perhaps I should have cut them in to smaller slices.

Anyway, that's par for the meal course around here since I'm still getting bi-weekly deliveries of organic fruits and veggies. You gotta eat those up somehow.

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