
I can hear the whistles of trains from my house, especially at night. It always reminds me of when I was back in Wisconsin at my Grandparents' house in Big Springs. I remember the windows being open and hearing the crickets chirping and the train whistles in the distance. It always make me smile.

Apparently, it's all false.

I mentioned it to my Dad who grew up in the house in Big Springs and he said there's no railroad track anywhere near there where I could have heard a train whistle.

So, where do my very vivid memories come from? Despite my Dad saying they're false memories, I still have what seems like a very real mental flashback every time I hear a train whistle today.

Did I have a dream that just feels so real that it became a memory? I have no idea but I would rather cling to that false memory because it makes me happy than figure out why it's false.

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