
I’m the keeper of the candy jar at work. It sits on my desk and attracts pests (like the CFO) on a daily basis. (Just kidding, he’s great, really, I mean that.) I try to buy bags of mixed chocolate snack items when they’re on sale.

The last bag I bought was called All Time Greats and had Hershey’s bars, Reese’s, KitKats and Whoppers. The item count is 105.

I swear at least 50 of the 105 items were Whoppers.

Whoppers are DIS-gusting! Who wants to eat chocolate covered chalk? No one, based on the buildup in the jar. Except for the CFO so I hope he comes by several times a day now.

I just emptied the rest of the bag in to the jar and the current count is:

0 KitKats
2 Reese’s
4 Hershey’s
33 Whoppers

I think I’m going to end up throwing the Whoppers out and starting over.

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