Made Of Money...

I've been feeling flush ever since I paid my car off. This is despite dropping $2K on repairs right before I paid it off but I had that in my savings account so I didn't really feel the pain in my income stream.

So, have I been saving money? Um, no. I have been more prudent than I thought I would be with my newfound dollars but I'm spending like I'm rich. My hair alone is requiring a small fortune to maintain (but it's worth it!).

The latest expenditure started off with a simple visit to Staples with my buddy T. He had to drop off some empty toner cartridges for recycling so we did a little walk through the store to see if there was something we absolutely needed. There wasn't anything I needed but there was something I wanted. A new camera.

In defense of my spending ways, I've been thinking about replacing my digital camera for a while. I've been buying Canon ELPHS for years and love them to literal pieces before upgrading to a new one.

The Old Camera

This camera isn't quite falling apart but the battery clip is broken. When you open it up to get out the memory card you have to be careful that the battery doesn't come sliding out on you. That alone is okay to live with but there's something about this model that it doesn't take as clear of a picture as the one before.

See, the thing is that I'm not always in the best mental shape when I'm taking pictures. I know, that's a huge surprise. As I said to T, "The camera has to be sober for me." My current camera takes too long to focus so the daylight pics are sometimes fuzzy from me moving and the night pictures are often grainy. I don't know if that's because of me or the camera itself.

The New Camera

So, predisposed to buy a new one, I couldn't help but stop and check out the ELPH selections. There are two models currently out, the SD1300 IS and the SD1400 IS. The latter being the most expensive so therefore the one I wanted. It does have better features so I think it's worth a little more.

For once, I was not a complete slave to my impulse buying affliction so we left the store without me spending a dime. But, a few hours later after the idea kept circling in my head I couldn't hold back. I got online and found it on sale (see, I SAVED money!). That was the clincher to purchase.

The only thing left to decide was the color. Now, you may think it's a no-brainer that I'd get pink but I actually don't love the color they're using. If there'd been a blue or a purple, I'd have been all over it. However, the other options where brown (ick), orange (not so much me) or silver (so what everyone else has and boring).

It shipped today so I'll have it in plenty of time for Vegas and Key West.

I can't wait to see The Rocket Scientist using a pink camera. When I mentioned that to him, he was all, "I'm bringing my own camera to Key West" and I was all, "Yeah, but how many other places do we go where I make you take pictures by giving you ultimatums like you can either take pictures or dance with me?" That turned into a "you're mean", "no, you're mean" debate which will never be settled but gives us something to do.

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