Time To Vote

I just filled out my early ballot for this year's election. I have to admit, I'm not very excited about my options. I don't think many voters are, actually. Well, the ones that aren't sheep who just vote for the party or for the candidates whose commercials they see the most aren't excited. The sheep don't think about it.

For the first time, there are more Independent voters registered in Pinal County, AZ than there are either Republicans or Democrats. Who can blame them? So many candidates pander to the extremes of their party because those extremists are really, really good at raising money and they're not afraid to use against anyone who doesn't completely follow their "suggestions". It's a total turnoff.

It's a career limiting move to be a Moderate anymore. Especially, a Republican Moderate. One would think that I, as a Democrat, would love to see the Republicans tear themselves up. I don't love it. I think it's a shame that the reasonable are getting pushed out by the outrageous. That behavior is not limited to the Republicans, either.

Also a turnoff is the negative campaigning. Long gone are the days of "Here's my platform, judge me on that." Now, it's "My opponent kills babies, sold his/her soul to the devil and, OMG, supports President Obama on one issue."

Oh, and don't get me started on the money. The incumbents build up huge war chests which makes it incredibly difficult for most challengers to unseat them. And, in the case of our great state of Arizona, you can use your war chest to just tell folks you're the guy to stand up to who's running now that you don't like...even though you're not running until two years from now. It will only cost you a minor fine compared to what you have on hand.

Then there are the candidates that throw millions of their own dollars into their campaigns. Which just makes me suspicious of their motives. I want an honest answer to: "Do you really feel so altruistically compelled to perform public service that it's worth expending an amount of your personal worth that's more than entire extended U.S. families will ever see?" I'm guessing the answer is no.

Oh, have I mentioned the referendums? Man, it's hard to know what they really mean since they're so creatively named and described.

So, I studied and made my best guesses. I hope they're good ones.


John Marek said…
I'm a libertarian and read all the props and candidate statements and voted for some Libertarians, some Democrats, some Republicans. I'm glad you also studied the info.

What I also find disappointing are the people who ask me "How should I vote?" Umm, the whole point is to make up your own mind!
Cheesehead said…
I mixed it up, too. Good point on doing your own research and forming your own opinion. Think about it, people!

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