My New Camera is Here!

Oh, man, I was so excited tracking my new camera today. I saw that UPS delivered it at 1:39 PM. Wouldn't you know it? I ended up with an 11 hour work day so I didn't get home until 7 PM. It was killing me, I tell you!

I busted in to the box within a minute of walking in the door. George helped me open it up, too. Apparently, there were interesting smells in the box along with the camera.

Disappointingly, the battery for the SD1400 is different than the one for the SD1200. I was hoping I could have a spare battery for long trips but that is not to be. It also meant I had to wait for the new battery to charge before I could play. Fortunately, that didn't take too long.

Here are the first pics on the new camera - I need to play with outside and daylight views and learn the new settings so all of these were automatic.

View of the hi-def TV screen. No flash.

The Baby in one of her usual lounging spots.

Close up of George on the kitchen counter.

Slightly pulled back view of George on the kitchen counter.

George about to attack the dangling wrist strap on the new camera.

My thoughts so far: the new camera is noticeably lighter than the old, a bit longer but thinner, it's audibly louder on the click (that may be a setting) and it seems to take longer for it to be done working before I can delete a pic I just took. Oh, and the pink is not as obnoxious as I thought it would be.

And, yes, I realize my cat shouldn't be on the counter but I've totally given up that battle.

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