Book Review - Explosive Eighteen

Explosive Eighteen (Stephanie Plum, #18)Explosive Eighteen by Janet Evanovich
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

The last few books in this series have left me, well, if not exactly enraged, close to it because of the incessant Morelli or Ranger decision that Stephanie never makes. This book, and I don't think it's a spoiler to say it's still unresolved because I don't think it ever will be, didn't leave me angered. Mostly, because I enjoyed the story and there was some hot sex. If I were Stephanie, I'd do them both and every chance I got to.

The book opens with Stephanie coming home from an apparently drama filled trip that she doesn't want to talk about. The guy who sat next to her on the plane turns up dead and everyone from the FBI, fake-FBI and a psychotic pirate are after something they think he gave to Stephanie. While resolving that issue, there's the usual ineptness of Stephanie and Lula on apprehending skips, a car change for Stephanie, a funeral viewing and the return of Joyce Bernhardt, Stephanie's mortal enemy.

So, pretty much a typical story for the series but pleasant enough to pass the time with.

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