Um, That Was Weird

I hosted Book Club tonight and we have a new member. This is only her second month and I didn't know her before that. I felt badly for her last month because I announced to the group that George had died and then pretty much tried to hold back tears the rest of the evening.

We were wrapping up tonight when she said to me, "Is there a kitty here?" I assumed she saw some toy that I had missed in the cleanup and said, "There used to be." She came back with, "Yeah, I just saw it go into hiding." Or, something really similar to that because I was too much in shock to record it all.

What I'm sure she saw was the A/C coming on or going off and moving the door into George's room. For a pet owner (and she is), that's easy to extrapolate as a furry creature making a movie.

However, wouldn't it just be like George to actually be haunting me?


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