My Favorite Bar - Living The High Life

I spend a lot of time in bars. It's because they're such great places to meet people and engage in deep conversations about all sorts of topics. The more cocktails, the deeper the conversation. Or, so it seems.

OK, I spend a lot of time in bars because I love cocktails, too.

I don't get to my favorite bar very often, though, because it's 1,400 miles away in Des Moines, IA. My friend Dawnie first took me there years ago and I was instantly smitten for many reasons.

First, the name. The High Life Lounge. The Champagne of Bars! Perfection!

Second, the decor. Think 1970s Dad basement bar. Beer signs, wood paneled walls, nondescript carpet...

Third, the menu. If I were President, I would sign an Executive Order on my first day in office that every restaurant must serve Tator Tots, that's how much I love those little grease pillows. You can get your basic Tots at The Highlife but you can also get bacon wrapped tots! Nirvana. They also have Tang. Yes, the drink of the astronauts and if you're too young to know that, you're probably too young to hang out with me. You can order up some High Life Tang Sauce chicken wings as I did on my last trip. Because it's the Midwest, you can also get Liver & Onions, Fried Chicken Gizzards, Pork Tenderloin, Deviled Eggs and other staples from your Grandma's kitchen. I'm going to have to go Gizzard on my next visit.

Fourth, the drink selection. Yeah, they have Tang with booze. But, they also have all of the faves. PBR naturally, High Life in many versions of course, but also Old Style, Schlitz, Hamm's, Mickey's and Grainbelt. And, some really good beers, too. You know the type that you want to drink for more than nostalgia's sake.

Finally, on my very first visit those many years ago, their jukebox had Jessie's Girl on it. That made up for the fact that it was an electronic jukebox.

On my last visit, I wandered around and took pictures of some of the great memorabilia. Enjoy the visual blast from the past.


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