Challenge Cup

We have a travelling trophy at work called the Challenge Cup. One of our guys found it at a trophy place where someone had ordered it then bailed so he picked it up for $35. That was back in March of 2002. It was decided to use it as an interdepartmental trophy for various competitions and as a way to get us to mingle with other departments.

The first Challenge was softball and it was Print Manufacturing versus Finance. Being the sports chick that I am, the Print folks bribed me into keeping the official score (they provided a keg - that was an easy sell). Sugar Daddy was a lot less social then but I talked him into going to the game with me.

Manufacturing won and Sugar Daddy was so inspired by the event that he immediately challenged them to an event. We ended up bowling and they beat us.

We weren't all that upset because the rule is that, if you hold the Cup, you have to accept a challenge no matter what it is. Now, you gotta know that the IT folks in general are not athletic so it was a scary concept. We were pretty happy to be off the hot seat.

Over the years, the Cup has been held by Distribution, Purchasing, Finance and Sales in addition to Manufacturing. The events have been Volleyball, Steak Eating, Bench Pressing, Texas Hold 'Em and Hiking. We've thought about challenging with Poker, Pictionary, Trivia and even a Spelling Bee. We finally decided to go with bowling again.

The format for the event was that everyone in both departments bowled two games. The top four scorers from each side then bowled a third game with total pins for all four determining the winner. I missed the top four on our side by 3 pins, Thank God.

We all stood around and watched the final teams bowl. It was surprisingly tense. All the trash talk (yeah, a lot of it was from me - I even used the word pummel in one of my email taunts) led up to a very close battle. Out loud, I congratulated their players on their strikes and spares but inside I was calling on all that is Holy that they would choke. A truly good sport, I am not.

In the end, we were victorious! The Geeks beat the Jocks and it was beautiful.

Some of us went out to the bar afterwards and I brought the trophy in to display, much to the chagrin of the Manufacturing guys.

I love this Cup!

I might just take it out with me every night. Several guys came up to ask me about it - I think I can use it to pick up boys. Which is always good.

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