It's a Small Continent

I've said it before, I can't go anywhere without running into someone I know. It happens quite often around the Phoenix area but I hadn't realized that it would happen in another country.

I headed down to Rocky Point (Puerto Penasco, Mexico) for those from not around here last weekend. I hadn't been there for 5 years and man, has that place changed! But, that's another story.

The folks that planned the trip (Jim and Dori) go down there quite often and it was interesting to find that we shared a lot of favorite stops. One of them being Senor Amigos by the fish market. They have an upstairs patio that overlooks the water and really good and cheap food. It's always been our traditional lunch stop and we headed there once we hit town on Friday afternoon.

I was hanging at our table when I noticed a couple at the table next to us. They looked familiar but it took me a minute to place them. It was Marie and Dan from our local sailing club and I had gone out with them and some other friends when I was in San Carlos in November. I went over to say howdy and, after Marie stopped thinking I was some crazy person invading her personal space, we chatted about our San Carlos adventure.

I went back to my table and gang. A few minutes later, I looked over to see some of my Parrot Head buds coming up the stairs. Louie, Donna, Bob and Sue were there with Marie and Dan.

It was like old home week!

On Sunday, we were heading out and Jim and Dori wanted to show us a place they've rented a bunch of times. We walked past it to check out the beach view when I looked in the backyard. Yep, it was the Phoenix gang again. I guess there still aren't that many places to stay in Rocky Point.

I wasn't the only one to see someone I knew. Jim ran into a buddy in town and Russ saw a co-worker at the gas station in Why.

I'm going to Ensenada in a few weeks. Wonder who I'm going to see there?

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