Tip for Travelling with the Princess

When I need to get somewhere, I want the most efficient route and to get there quickly. That's easy to do if you're going it alone but when you travel in a pack, you're at the mercy of others. The 'others' being smokers, frequent pee-ers and putzers who lollygag their way to the destination.

My low tolerance for trip dawdling is well known. I'm trying to be more patient but, dammit, there's a reason you're going somewhere so you should just frakking get there.

Our original plan to drive up to Laughlin last week was for Norene to drive with Dawnie (my pal from Iowa who came out for the weekend) and me in her car and 72 Beer Mary to drive with Blondie and Todd in hers. Norene got called to work a fire in North Carolina so Dawnie and I took my car.

I went to the Suns game on Wednesday night then picked Dawnie up at the Babes'. We stayed up chatting until almost 1 and the alarm came way too early. But, I got up and showered then cleaned out my car while Dawnie got ready. We stopped at Circle-K to gas up and fill the cooler with road beverages and were ready for the long journey.

We were supposed to meet at The Babes by 7:30 AM on Thursday then head up to pick up Todd. Dawnie and I were early and Blondie was still at the vet's dropping off their diabetic cat. We filled the time eating our Mickey D's breakfasts but the clock was going tick-tock, tick-tock. Blondie made it home then it was fill the cat dish, get sodas for the road and other little errands until we were finally ready.

So, we left there behind schedule then had to make a quick stop to hook up with Moose so I could sign the Parrot Grande contract and give him a check for the deposit. I didn't mind that delay too much because Moose bought me cupcakes for my birthday. Yummy.

However, the clock was still going tick-tock, tick-tock.

Then, it was off to get Todd. I was following 72 Beer and was happy that she was leading since I can never seem to find Todd's place. But, she made a turn and I was like, "That was the wrong way." But, since my geographic skills are non-existent, I didn't say anything. After going in circles a couple of times, they finally got Todd on the phone and he talked us in.

We loaded up there and Todd gave Dawnie a tour of the house while we all took pee breaks.

Dawnie and I had travelled 51 miles so far and it had taken 2 hours. At that rate, I figured we'd hit Laughlin by Friday some time...

Todd was going to direct us out to the highway via some shortcut. That we missed so there was some more circling. I didn't think we were ever going to get to Laughlin.

However, we were finally on the road!!! Very shortly however, we were making a stop. But, here's the tip, The Babes had a birthday present for me at the stop! We got back on the road, made another stop and there was another present. Sweet! We also ate the cupcakes. They wanted to do a third stop, and even had the present for it, but decided not to try my patience much more.

That whole present thing kept me pretty happy. I almost didn't realize I could have slept in two more hours and made it to Laughlin at about the same time we'd arrived with our pack.

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