Daddy's Girl

Steven called me today and said "Guess what Shorty bought me?"

I didn't play the game so he 'fessed up right away. Shorty bought him a 32 inch HDTV flat panel TV. For no special reason, BTW.

My first thought was, "Where's mine?"

Me being me, I said that out loud. Steven's response was, "You know he's going to buy you one, too, and it will be better than mine because that's how Shorty rolls."

Don't get me wrong. I've been perfectly content with my 27 inch regular TV. But, heck, if I could get an HDTV, I'd be all over it. So, I was.

I got off the phone with Steven and immediately called Shorty.

"Where's my flat panel?"

Shorty said, "Don't worry, you're getting one, too. And, it's better than Steven's."

That satisfied me.

I called my friend T and told him I was getting a flat panel TV from Shorty. He asked, "Why?" I said, "Because Steven got one from Shorty so I want one, too." T said, "You're too old for that game."

You'd think after knowing me for 8 years, he'd know I'm not a grownup.

Shorty and I went to the store tonight. I now have a 32 Inch Wide Screen HDTV unit in my living room waiting for Steven to hook it up tomorrow.

Now, I just have to clear out my DVR so I can turn it in and get the HDTV version from Cox.

I am spoiled. And, I refuse to apologize for it.

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