Every Frakking Time

There are two things that are 100% for sures.

Number 1:

We're trying to be ecologically kind at work and have installed timers for our office lights and motion detector lights in the restrooms. EVERY TIME I walk into the bathroom and the lights come on, I stop in my tracks because I'm completely startled. Some day, someone's going to be coming in behind me and run me over.

Number 2:

I don't really like to wear hats because my hat head is terrible. EVERY TIME I spend the day in the sun, I burn the part in my hair. I'm sure if I shaved my head at the end of summer, I'd have several tanned part lines going on. THIS TIME, I burned it on Saturday at the Salsa Challenge. That means it will be completely peeling by the time I get to PHINS later this week. Lovely. To all of my friends, it's not that I have disgusting dandruff, I swear!

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