Nerd Much?

I was very much in nerd mode last night.

First up was catching up on Doctor Who. Despite my DVR being set to record it off BBC, I missed the two part episode (The End of Time) that were David Tennant's last episodes. Since the new Doctor starts this weekend, I needed to get those watched.

Oh man, those episodes were frakking awesome! (I know, frak is a BSG thing but I like it.) John Simms as The Master was brilliant, it was nice to see Timothy Dalton (he's on my "he may be 20 years older than I am but I wouldn't say no" list) and Tennant gave a command performance. His angst at knowing that he's going to die was heartfelt. The end clips where he visits the people of importance over the past few years of his adventures had me bawling like the proverbial baby. It was a wonderful end to his time as The Doctor.

After Doctor Who, it was time to watch Evil Wil Wheaton on Big Bang Theory. What an emotional swing. I went from crying to laughing hysterically. There were so many fantastic lines and great acting by Jim Parsons. Sheldon's feelings of emininity towards Wheaton were so entertainingly displayed. "Foolish Wil Wheaton. It was never off."

Steven sent me a text message: Wil Wheaton is a prick, But funny as hell.

Well, Evil Wil Wheaton may be a prick but Wil Wheaton doesn't seem to be. He was tweeting during the West coast broadcast and he was giddy with excitement over being on the show again. I imagine we'll see him once more since he's now bested Sheldon twice so Sheldon will be desperate for payback.

The nerd feeling carried in to today when I saw that Joss Whedon is going to direct The Avengers film. Sweet! I can't wait for that one to come out.

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