Play Ball!

It's Opening Day already. Where did Spring Training go? Usually, I get to 1 or 2 games but not this year. Just too dang busy.

Steven and I did go to the last DiamondBacks game on Saturday. It was against the Cubs and at Chase Field.

It was a beautiful day that we started by meeting our friend Chris at Coach and Willie's for lunch. Steven had a burger that was so good that he was still talking about it yesterday. I enjoyed a very tasty Italian Chopped Salad. It's a great place to hang before a game and the weather on the patio was nearly perfect. I would have preferred to sit in the sun for a little more warmth but Steven nixed that.

Chris was dressing in Cubs stuff and Steven in DBacks gear and I, well, I was wearing a plain yellow T-Shirt. Chris said he had wandered what I would wear and recognized the neutrality of my choice. I grew up a Cubs fan but my family and I were at the first Opening Day for DiamondBacks and we've been fans ever since.

We left Chris outside the park as he was sitting with another friend of his and Steven and I headed up the escalators to the upper deck. It's been a while since I sat in the 300 level. As long as you're not at the very top, those are still good seats for game watching.

There weren't very many people at the ballpark and we probably could have moved to sit wherever we wanted to but we stuck around because the peeps in our area were interesting to watch.

We needed something to watch because the game was not that entertaining. The Cubs got a 3-0 lead and the DBacks were starters out after 2 at bats. Glad I wasn't keeping score. It was nice to see Conor Jackson playing again. And, nice to watch his butt while he was at the plate. ;-)

But, back to our people watching. There was an old Cubs fan in the next section over who yelled at the Cubs' defense. Dude, don't think they can hear you. He was fairly loud until later in the game when we saw he was doing the head nods and dozing off. He left before the game ended, probably to go take a nap. Or, get another beer.

There was a family just to the right of us with a screaming toddler. Everyone knows how much I love loud children but she wasn't so much loud as just really unhappy. The family members all took turns trying to keep her amused with walks, books and snacks but it was clear she wanted to be somewhere else the entire time.

In front of us, we had two women whom I'm guessing were sisters. Since we were right behind them and neither Steven nor I are very quiet, they felt OK with jumping in on our baseball conversations. The one was even keeping score but gave up when she went to get ice cream. I don't blame her as it was a mess and she'd already dropped the clipboard she was using twice during the game. She wasn't even drinking.

Oh, yeah, speaking of drinking. I got carded at the game which is no big deal because I think they check every one's IDs. However, when the vendor looked at mine, she smiled at me and said, "Good for you!" Yeah, I know, I look young. :-)

All in all, it was a very nice afternoon. We followed up with some baseball on Sunday by watching the Yankees at the Red Sox. I don't think there's a single Yankees fan in the family and friends that we spent the day with. If there were, he or she was keeping very quiet. Nice to see the Sox beat the best team that money can buy.

Today's Opening Day for the DiamondBacks. Wish I could take time off from work to hit an afternoon game but that just isn't going to happen.

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