Four Weeks Without Breaking

Yesterday marked four weeks of not drinking pop for me. I didn't think I would do it. I've even surprised The Rocket Scientist that I haven't caved. He had to admit that I did possess some willpower.

I think it almost killed him to say it.

Overall, it's been easier than I thought it would be. There have been a couple of afternoons where I got the head nods and would have loved some Diet Pepsi supplied caffeine but I stayed away from the pop machine.

Eating out at a regular restaurant isn't bad. I just drink water or hot tea if we're at a Chinese place. The tougher spot is the fast food or serve yourself places because a drink is often included in the meal price. I made the mistake of trying some Jasmine flavored tea and it was disgusting so I learned my lesson and stick to plain iced tea.

Some people say they've lost weight even cutting out diet soda but I, unfortunately, haven't seen any drop in the scale because of it. I do feel better, though, probably because all the water I'm drinking is keeping me well hydrated.

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