Fantasy Football Update - Week 8 and 9

I know it's not very timely but I was in Florida for both weeks of these games.

Week 8

I won in the club league and moved into a 3-way tie for first place in our division. In my work league, I went 1-1. I think that was enough to move me into second place.

Week 9

Fun! I played against The Rocket Scientist in the club league. I asked one of our friends whom he thought wanted to win more (TRS and I are both battling to take control of our respective divisions). Of course, the answer was me! Steven was playing against the guy tied with TRS for first place and was also tied with me for first in our division. I was hoping for a Pfister win for me and a Pfister loss for him while TRS wanted just the opposite.

We were both half happy with the results. I beat TRS (in a game that ended up much closer than he thought it would based on my early lead) and Steven won as well. That leaves Steven and me tied for first as the third player lost. TRS is tied with two other players for first still in his division.

In my work league, I kicked butt. I won both games which puts me in second place. Unfortunately, the leader is 4 games ahead of me. And, he has a really strong team. And, my QB is off this week. Aaron Rodgers has been a stud for me. We'll have to see how this week goes.

In related news, I've somehow managed to get into a tie for our club Pick 'Em league. I completely sucked at the beginning of the season so I tried a new strategy which is clearly working. I'm going to ride that wave as long as I can.

Can you believe we're already having Thursday games?


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