Yes, I am a Pariah

I came back from Florida on Monday with a cold. A pretty bad one, actually. I somehow made it through work on Tuesday but said I would work from home on Wednesday if I wasn't feeling better. I wasn't so I stayed home and managed to get in five hours before I had to go nap for 2 1/2 hours. Man, my bed never felt so good.

After an early bedtime last night, I felt pretty good this morning. So, loaded up on Dayquil, I came in to work. Apparently, I overestimated my health level because I was sneezing, coughing and blowing my nose constantly once I got in to my office.

One of my co-workers gave me some blended oils on a tissue to breathe in. He said it helps kill viruses and would stop my coughing. He was right on the coughing. I did much better after just a few minutes.

When I came back from a meeting, I noticed this sign by my office door:

The bio-hazard symbol. Nice.

The only meeting I had today, I held in a really big room and I'm going to keep my door mostly shut and communicate electronically. Hopefully, that will keep my germs confined just to me.


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