Fantasy Football Update - Playoffs Week 2

For the first time all season, I joined some of the peeps in the club league to watch football on Sunday. What a debacle of a football day it turned out to be.

I went into the day down 41 points to my opponent, the erstwhile Jello Shot Prince. He started Vincent Jackson on Thursday night. Who would have known the dude would score 29 points? I sent JSP a text: Frak me. Vincent Jackson. Really? (Only I didn’t say frak.) I was unhappy.

It actually looked like I had a remote chance to win still on Sunday. Michael Vick’s poor start was just teasing me, though. JSP took way too much delight in updating me as Vick’s points went up and up and up in the latter part of the game.

Hey, Giants, how about some defense? Frakkers.

I ultimately lost by quite a few points and it’s now down to JSP and Crash for the Championship.

Oh, JSP also delighted in pointing out how many points Mario Manningham was racking up...while on my bench in my work league. What a bonehead move I made on that one and I beat myself up about it the whole day. As I recall (and it’s a bit hazy) his last touchdown inspired my call for a Jager shot.

Fortunately for my psyche, even if I’d started Manningham, I would have lost to my opponent. That loss put me in fourth place in the work league which is the last money spot. I won’t get back enough to cover my buy-in but it will cover a large bar tab so I got that going for me.

What a horrible week for Pick ‘Em. Too many highly favored teams tanked. You know who you are, Tampa Bay and Pittsburgh, and you should be ashamed. I’ve somehow managed to retain the lead in the club contest by a very thin margin of 9 points and I got back in to third in the work league with a guy just 6 points behind me. We pay out to three spots so I need to finish there or better to break even.


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